Slow Sand Filter and its estimation


Slow sand filters, as shown, employ a layered system for water purification. Sand (90-110 cm) acts as the main filter, supported by gravel layers (30-75 cm) with increasing particle size. Unlike other filters, they rely on a naturally forming biological film (bacteria, fungi, etc.) on the sand for purification. Water flow rate is slow (100-200 liters/m²/hr) but effectively removes suspended particles, nearly all bacteria (98-99%), and improves water aesthetics (color, odor, taste). The slow rate necessitates large filters for high demand, and the growing biological film requires periodic cleaning to maintain flow.


Estimation of a Slow Sand Filter

  1. Estimation of a Slow Sand Filter
  2. Review drawings to understand filter layout. Measure dimensions of components like filter bed, underdrain system, and supports.
  3. Calculate sand quantity for filter bed by multiplying area by depth.
  4. Estimate gravel volume for layers and calculate length of perforated pipes needed.
  5. Calculate concrete volume for walls, base, and supports. Include reinforcement materials if specified.
  6. Determine quantities of inlet/outlet pipes, valves, and fittings. Measure pipe lengths and specify valve types.
  7. Compile a comprehensive list of all required materials for procurement, including quantities of sand, gravel, concrete, steel, pipes, and fittings.

Fig: Slow sand Filter

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