Tube well estimation


A tubewell is a type of water well that consists of a long metal pipe or tube bored into an underground aquifer. It's used to extract groundwater for various purposes such as irrigation, drinking water supply, and industrial use. Tubewells are particularly common in areas with high water tables or where surface water sources are unreliable or contaminated.

Estimation of a tubewell

The estimation process begins with a detailed design of the tubewell. Determine the depth of the well, diameter of the borehole, length of casing and strainer sections, and other specifications. These dimensions are then used to calculate the quantity of materials needed. GI pipe is estimated in running meter. Items like strainer, sockets, bail plug etc are estimated in number.  Other costing like transportation of materials, installation charge, labour charge etc are estimated separately.

Estimation comprises of following particulars:

  1. Galvanized Iron (G.I.) Pipe with sockets
  2. Strainer for the pipe
  3. Hand pump (ordinary type)
  4. Additional components: bail plug and extra sockets
  5. Transportation of materials to work site
  6. Installation process: sinking/boring, inserting sand, fixing hand pump, creating concrete platform and drain, pumping out water

fig: Tube Well

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